Friday, January 1, 2016

True stories - Dads hero

True stories - Dads hero

"I am a Bali fan", my father declared suddenly one day. 

"When did you go to Bali?", I asked, a little absent minded. 

"Not Bali the place dumbo, Bali the monkey, Sugreeva's brother, the strongest of all beings", my dad said in an excited voice, clearly in total admiration of the mythical creature.

"Why this fandom all of a sudden, and why Bali in particular? ", I asked.

"I am glad you asked that question... I saw an ancient Indian art form today called Koodiyattam. They showed the story of my favourite character, I want to narrate that story to you, so that you understand my admiration and with it learn a lesson in life.", my dad said excitedly, totally ignoring the here-we-go-again sigh from my mom.

<Koodiyattam (Malayalam: കൂടിയാട്ടം, Kūṭiyāṭṭaṁ, Sanskrit: कूडियाट्टम्, Kūḍiyāṭṭam), also transliterated as Kutiyattam, is a form of Sanskrit theatre traditionally performed in the state of Kerala, India. Performed in the Sanskrit language in Hindu temples, it is believed to be 2,000 years old. It is officially recognised by UNESCO as a Masterpiece of the Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity.>

"Please do", I said and dad started his story.


Bali was the strongest being of all times, the Puranas mention that on multiple occasions. Bali was preparing for battle after his estranged brother, Sugreeva, challenged him for a duel. Just as he was about to leave for the battle, his wife Tara stopped him. "Please don't go today, I have a bad feeling about today. Sugreeva has a glint in his eye that he's never had before. He knows he can never beat you alone and still he has challenged you. That means he has got something new, a new allegiance or a new weapon. Please don't go today." 

<it must be noted that the most beautiful women in Ramayana according to all the holy books are Ahalya, Tara and Mandodari in that order.....>

Bali laughed out aloud. "Oh, my beautiful wife... Nothing or no one can stop me. I am mightier than Indra, as brave as Lord Narasimha. Don't you know that when the Devas and Asuras were churning the Palazhi, they both had got exhausted at one point. I went alone and grabbed hold of both ends of the big snake Vasuki and churned the sea alone till they recovered. I am stronger than both the Devas and the Asuras put together. "

Tara pleaded.... "I know all this, my Lord. But I have had bad dreams all night yesterday..... The omens are not good. Even great warriors have bad days. Just don't go today."

Bali roared again..."It is a warrior's honour that is at stake when he is challenged to a battle. I can easily beat Sugreeva and whoever he has with him as his new friend. Please go back to the palace and wait for my triumphant return" 

Seeing that her argument is pointless, Tara walked back to her palace, teary eyed, but painting a brave look, hands folded in salutation, lips chanting prayers. And the Brave Bali jumped outside for his final battle....

Scene 2

Bali and Sugriva are fighting and Lord Rama is at a distance, hidden, with his Bow ready with a strong Astra. But because of their close fighting the Lord can't get a clear shot. Just as the battle seemed to end, Bali raised his brother with both his arms and was about to finally smash him to a rock below. Then The Lord sent his arrow which pierced Bali's heart and came out through his back. Bali put down Sugreeva and charged at the Lord, but the Lord sent arrows after arrows that the Great Warrior fell down. Lord Ram came near the dying warrior. Bali, realising that his death is at the hands of Lord Vishnu, the Maker Himself, became teary eyed and asked the Lord, "Why?? Why me?? What can he offer you that I cannot??" Bali laughed out weakly when he heard about the need to beat Raavan to win back Seeta Devi. In his dying voice, he told a story.

"To maintain my strength and discipline I perform my daily poojas and tharpanas in all the 7 Great Oceans in the World. Once I was doing my evening tharpanas in the Indian Ocean when Raavan thought he would have some fun with me. He tried to lift me by my tail while I was doing the tharpana. I couldn't stop my Pooja so I thought I would deal with him later. Hence I wound him with my tail. He tried with all his strength but was unable to escape. I jumped from one ocean to the next, continuing my tharpana, Raavan bouncing along in each of these Oceans. He was almost in tears at the 7th ocean and ran away to his Kingdom the moment I released him.  

That Raavan?? For beating him you allied with Sugreeva?? I would've beaten him and his Army alone for you. All you had to do was come to me.  If you had become my friend, Raavan would have handed your wife over without any war. Why kill me to win over Raavan...." Bali pleaded.

The Lord came close and whispered in his ear. "Dear Bali.... But in that case, I wouldn't be able to kill Raavan and fulfil the purpose of my Avatar. And more importantly I wouldn't be able to give you your Moksha. Now when you die, you attain your eternal peace, your moksha, you become a part of me. How can I bless you more, Oh great warrior, than by this." The Lord smiled. As Bali's eyes were closing one last time, he saw Lord Vishnu standing in front of him, the yellow silk Dhoti worn, fully clad with beautiful ornaments, the four upper limb Shankh-Chakra-Gada-Padm form of the Maker, smiling at him, blessing him. Although in a lot of pain, Bali smiled back as his eyes closed, as he knew that the eternal peace that all living beings seek, was just one breath away.


"Now you know why I am a Bali fan. The path of Moksha, the eternal peace, is unshakable Bhakthi with determination and perseverance to follow your path, attain what you think is right. All of us can be heroes and do heroic things. The word hero need not be a noun, it can be a verb too. " 

Dad finished his story, almost breathless with the passion built up in him, tears not just in his eyes but in all of ours. 

Dad found his hero in Bali. With this story, I also found mine.

In my dad.

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