Sunday, June 19, 2016

True stories - Strength

True stories - Strength

Muthassiamma lived till 96 and moved on last year. What a wonderful wonderful life. No major health issues except for bad knees and poor hearing. Never said a bad word or spread an ill news about anybody. Never scolded any of her 10 kids or 21 grandchildren, not even once, ever. Such a perfect example of virtue, patience calmness and inner peace. Everybody broke down with my dads big brother said "Kandu mathiyayilla"( I want to see her again and again, I have not seen enough of her) before they covered her body one last time. Muthassiamma has gone into the ashes of Thekke Kandam. She lives on, in the hearts of people whom she loved and who loved her. My obituary for her is a story that I heard my dad narrating.

My dad once had a problem with the health minister during his glorious unblemished and achievement studded career. Dad stood for what was right, instead of what was politically RIGHT, to the extent that he had to complain about his minister to the judiciary. The letter he wrote was somehow leaked to the press and all pandemonium began. 

Those were bad days for him, with media frenzy and all, which culminated in the minister resigning and dad being reinstated. Truth won and justice was done in the end, but he was mentally very shaken, to the extent that even my mom couldn't console him.

In the midst of all the frenzy, Dad went to his native place to visit his mom and his brothers, his usual second-Saturday-of-every-month unbroken routine since more than a quarter of a century. He never mentioned anything about his mental turmoil or sadness. Somehow his mother, my Muthassiamma, sensing everything, called him near her and told. "Do not fear anything or anyone. Stand straight for what you think is right. Even if you lose your job. Why do even care, you are an intelligent & educated doctor, you can survive with a pen and a few pieces of paper."

My dad recalled the incident at a later date. When he said about it, his voice cracked. "My amma, mother of 10 children, not formally educated, aged 85, who always stayed behind achan (dad) in the background, never offering an opinion, came forward and said the most sensible thing that could have been said to me at that time, instilling in me confidence about the righteousness of what I am doing, showing her support in my knowledge, my abilities and my patient care. 

After all this while, she said the most amazing words when it was needed the most, and from that day onwards I have not feared anything in my life, ever. Amma did not offer her shoulder to lean on, she made leaning unnecessary.", 
my dad concluded, tears dwelling up in not just his eyes, but in all of ours too.

Motherhood is the place where love begins and ends. 

Happy Mother's Day.

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