Wednesday, November 2, 2016

True stories - Diwali

True stories - Diwali

This happened during rounds today.

Consultant to patient - I am glad you made good progress in the last week. We can discharge you today so that you can celebrate Diwali with your family. 

Patient - Sir, if possible I would like to stay in the ward during Diwali. Can u discharge me day after tomorrow??

Consultant <surprised> - Why would you want to stay in hospital on Diwali day. Don't you want to go home??

Patient <lowering his voice> - Sir as you know, I have not being working for 2 weeks now. If I am discharged today, my family would starve tomorrow on Diwali day. But If I stay here, tomorrow at least I can feed my kids the Diwali special hospital food that they give out for the patients. 

The consultant was too stunned to say anything. He felt his throat going dry, voice getting hoarse. "Sure, we will discharge you on Monday", he managed somehow, before turning away and leaving the ward. 

There was an awkward silence, and the residents walked behind the consultant saying nothing. Before leaving, the consultant took out his purse, grabbed some money and gave it to his SR without counting. "Buy some sweets for all the patients tomorrow, please.", he told before walking away.

As he was walking to his car his mobile beeped. The gifts for the family that he had ordered from Flipkart, Amazon and Myntra had been delivered.

Happy Diwali to all.

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