Tuesday, July 10, 2018

True stories -Sculpture

True Stories - Sculpture


It was news to me that the term 'Basilica' means a cathedral blessed by the Pope. We went to Basilica of St. Mary's at Minneapolis today - it is the first Basilica in the USA.
There, outside the Basilica, I saw this sculpture, without any sign boards or other markings. (Hence my views on what i saw are personal and non binding)
If you look closely you would see that the frail man under the blanket has puncture markings in his feet. With a jolt you realise that it is The Lord that you see, cuddled up cold in a bench in the park, under a seemingly thin blanket. Now what could the sculpture mean?
I think it means that the Lord might lie among the poor, the hungry, the homeless and the sick. That also means service to the poor, the hungry, the orphaned and the diseased is service to God.
As the famous Malayalam movie says, it is not the person who donates the Gold Cross to the Church who is God's favourite, but it is the person who treats the sickness, hunger or sadness of at least one person who is beloved to the Lord.
Such a profound message through a simple but elegant, unmarked sculpture on a park bench.
Happy Father's day. 😊

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