Saturday, September 26, 2015

True stories - Grandpa chronicles

True stories - Grandpa chronicles

One day grandpa asked us cousins (his grandchildren), "Do you know what the favourite food of foxes are??"

"No idea Muthassa.... we haven't seen foxes outside the zoo, let alone know what their favourite food items are.", chimed one of us.

"Aah...", muthassan sighed, "you kids are missing a lot in your childhood. Crabs are their favourite food. Not the sea crabs, the crabs that live along the paddy fields. Do you know how these foxes catch their crabs???"

We could sense that he was in mood for a story, so all of us quietly gathered around him, seated around his chair, while he leaned back on his favourite recliner. "Grab them when they come out?", I offered hopefully.

" No.", muthassan continued. "You see, crabs live in these narrow holes in the paddy fields ridges or by their wet sides. The clever fox, put it bushy tail into the hole and waits patiently. One or the other stupid crab gets naughty and snaps its pincers on it. The fox, although the bite hurts him, patiently waits a few minutes and then slowly lifts his tail out of the hole, along with the crab, and pounces on it as soon as it is out."

"I think it's natures' way of telling us that it's just not intelligence that is required. You got to have patience, suffer pain and hardships, and believe in your cause to finally achieve what you want."

Books can't teach you many things. Wisdom tops the list among those. 

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