Monday, September 7, 2015

True stories - He & I

He & I

I still remember the day he was born – saw him first when he was covered in a white cotton cloth, his tiny fists clenched, eyes closed, mouth slightly open, snuggling in a cradle near Amma’s bed. I was all of 4 years of age and was staring with bewilderment at him and I remember being happy to get a tiny little brother whom I could boss around. Little did I know that I was in for a surprise..!

As a kid he was always up to some mischief and got himself into trouble. Stuffing whatever little things he found into his nose and locking himself in the bathroom without knowing how to open the bolt were some of the brat’s less-dangerous performances. And I was more of a rescuer than boss!

Growing up together was so much fun – we have shared countless laugh-till-you-gasp moments, innumerable 2-wheeler rides discussing everything under the stars, impromptu adventure trips, many many don’t-tell-anyone talks.. We have had our share of fights too – fights that then brought us to tears but now bring a smile.

He grew up to be a smart, all-knowing, mature person who considers himself as my elder brother. I, who handled the role of Agony Aunt to my friends, always turned to him when I was in trouble or needed advice. A doctor now, he has ensured that he will continue to be my adviser when I’ll eventually have old-age ailments!

He is my first love, best friend, adviser, confidant……. everything including physician and driving teacher. And today, the 7th of September, it has been 24 years since the day he made his grand entrance to this world.

Happy birthday, Ram Nampoothiri

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