Friday, September 25, 2015

True stories - Guru

True stories - Guru

I was already into my second year of my Ayurveda degree but the class I was about to attend today scared me like hell. It was to be taken by the youngest and most brilliant AP of the college, who unfortunately happened to be my dads younger brother. Of course, everyone in class knew this for a fact and was smiling at me. I, on the other hand was terrified because I had no idea how I am gonna face that quiz he conducts at the beginning of every class. I contemplated on bunking. Twice. Finally decided otherwise and entered the class. Second last row, second last seat. Well hidden, I patted myself on the back. He will miss me, I was almost sure. 

The sir entered. He looked smart, as always. "Ok class, let's begin, who can tell me the sloka that defines....."
His eyes searched the crowd and easily found me, "You...", he pointed. I, obviously had no idea of the answer, so I remained standing looking at my feet. He looked disappointed, I understood why. The question was not a difficult one, I just had not read that part. My classmates started sniggering, "Next", he said. How am I to know, in the second last row, I will be seated next to a total nerd. She got up and blasted away the sloka. Perfect pronunciation. When she completed, I was still standing looking like a total joker. All my classmates, esp the boys were having a field day. "So what punishment do we give her", sir asked, playing along, a small smile on his face. 
The pure glee in some of the boys face seemed like Onam had come early. Almost everyone was sniggering now. I stared straight ahead, refusing to be humiliated. "Imposition, 50 times??", some wise crack from the boys side suggested, which was greeted by jeers of approval and even more laughter. 

"50 times imposition seems fair enough", he agreed. The class almost cheered. My heart sank. " However", he continued, " if we bring forth such a convention, it stays. It'll be applicable to everyone in all the quizzes from now onwards. Ok with you people?? ". 

The class groaned collectively, my turn to smile. (In that case) "I think we can let her off this time", some smart-ass, again from the boys side suggested, and a collective disappointed sigh of approval followed. "If thats the case, we will continue with the class", sir waved me to sit down, smirk on his face. "Study and come next time", he told gently, those eyes showing lot of recognition and affection.

Lessons from the day: A good teacher will never humiliate you. 2. You can always count on your own blood. 

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