Saturday, September 26, 2015

True stories - smile

True stories - smile

The smallest of incidences shows us the spirit of the universe, how through both simple and complicated methods each and every living being is connected by the soul of this universe. Here's one example.

I was sipping on a double coffee in tuck shop and thinking of the dog menace in pgi. Somebody was joking about the racism between the dogs and how the white dogs were one group and were at constant barking battle with the group of black dogs. However one black dog seemed to be the leader of the predominantly-white-dog group. "Obama" that dog was lovingly called. But I could sense that the female predominant group that was discussing this issue, were deep down scared about the dog menace in PGI and was uneasy with the situation around the library. I observed that one of the guys were staunchly defending the dogs saying that they were very lovable creatures and are the only souls who love you unconditionally irrespective of whether you are rich, poor, successful, loser, fat, slim, ugly, beautiful, talkative or reserved. All that mattered to the dog was the love you gave it and it'll give its life to you. He was convincing and quoted numerous examples of faithful dog stories. I couldn't help but overhear, but I loved what I heard. Here's a true animal lover, one who understands the universe and its love, I thought.

One of the girls excused herself and stood up to leave and walked away. She was walking towards the library but was walking head turned towards her friends, waving, that she looked ahead only when she reached the cars parked in front to the library. Then she came face to face with the big black dog who sits in front of the library, the dog was trying to go in the other direction, towards tuck shop. Now there was hardly any space between the two vehicles and both the girl and the dog had entered the gap between the two cars. One of them surely had to back out to let the other go through. The girl was rooted to the spot, never been so close to any dog in her life. She was visibly scared out of her wits and from the distance I could see her trembling and the glint of her sweat in the evening sunlight. The scene froze for around 5 seconds, after which the dog slowly backed out, going in reverse until he was out of the gap. The lady scampered out of the narrow space but once out a safe distance, couldn't help but turn back and give the canine the sweetest of (relieved!!) smiles. The canine responded by wagging its tail vigorously, opening his mouth in glee and giving the tiniest of jumps, by raising his front paws. 

I don't think anybody else saw it, and I thought maybe the lady left the incident at that and forgot about it. Until yesterday I saw the same lady-dog pair, this time in a more open space, the dog was still wagging its tail and the lady, although skeptic about what she was doing, but somehow by some unknown internal force, dropped a biscuit near the dogs feet. The dog gobbled up the biscuit and came near the lady. I thought she was scared when she closed her eyes. But the pull of the universe lifted her arms and stroked the silky black dogs forehead, slowly once, then a couple of strokes quickly. The magic of the universe was gone and order was restored in a couple of seconds, when she lifted her hands, dropped the rest of the biscuits in front of the dog and scampered off inside the library. 

Did I see a glint of a tear when she passed me into the library? Maybe I did, maybe I imagined it, but now, this time, I knew she knew. Every living being in this universe, man or dog, infant or elderly, know deep within themselves, the inherent and unshakable knowledge, that the soul that lies within each one of us, is one and the same.

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